Project Feasibility and Due Diligence

Paradigm Senior Living | Business professionals in a meeting

Senior Living Investment Experience Beyond the Numbers

Paradigm Senior Living brings unparalleled expertise as one of the most seasoned project feasibility consultants in the industry.

Whether you’re a not-for-profit organization, a private investor considering a senior living investment, a lender, or an owner/operator seeking to enhance the performance of your current investment, our services can be instrumental in your project’s success.

From Initial Assessment to Successful Execution

Our services span from initial feasibility analysis to design development, functional programming, and occupancy development. We provide ongoing management support to ensure the success and longevity of your venture in the senior housing market.

Paradigm Senior Living | Hands looking at blueprints
Paradigm Senior Living | Community pond

Tailored Solutions for Diverse Clients

With a keen understanding of the various types of senior housing, we can offer tailored solutions to meet your specific needs. Our clients range from those investing in skilled nursing homes to those focusing on assisted living communities and beyond.

Investing in the Future of Senior Living

As the demand for senior housing grows with the aging baby boomer population, investing in senior living assets has emerged as a promising property type in commercial real estate.

Paradigm Senior Living is ready to guide you through your senior living investment analysis and help you navigate this dynamic market.

Let us assist you in transforming your vision into a thriving community. With Paradigm Senior Living, you’re investing in a long-term solution that improves the lives of seniors and their families.

Paradigm Senior Living | Seniors and family having dinner

Contact Us

Click here to tailor a study to your specific project or to receive a free schedule of financial feasibility/pro forma tasks.

Contact Us

For a free initial consultation or to request fees and terms, call us toll-free at (877) 287-6868. Alternatively, click here to tailor a study to your specific project or to receive a free schedule of financial feasibility/pro forma tasks.

Financial Feasibility, Funding, and Underwriting Support

Economic feasibility is a vital part of the development process. At Paradigm Senior Living, we base our work on thorough research into local markets and extensive hands-on experience managing various types of senior housing communities.

Leveraging Three Decades of Experience

Our 30 years of hands-on operating experience provide us with a unique understanding of all the numbers involved in senior living investment. We offer comprehensive financial feasibility analysis, ensuring every aspect of your investment is meticulously examined.

Paradigm Senior Living | Common area

Detailed Senior Living Investment Analysis and Projections

We provide:

Detailed project pro formas

Critical development cost assumptions

Detailed annual income and expense projections through income stabilization

Capital structuring

Pre-lease, absorption, and stabilized occupancy assumptions

Stabilized master staffing plans, wage and hour schedules

Pre-lease budgets and lease-up absorption and cost projections

Financing assumptions

Five to ten-year income and expense and EBITDA projections

Cash flow analysis, investment return calculation, IRR, and ROI

Underwriting analysis and risk assessment

Estimate of stabilized value

Paradigm Senior Living | Business professionals in a meeting

In-depth Risk Assessment and Returns Calculation

We conduct an in-depth underwriting analysis, risk assessment, cash flow analysis, and investment return calculations, including IRR and ROI. Our team also provides an estimate of the stabilized value of your investment.

Paradigm Senior Living | People conversing while looking at documents

Timely Delivery

The estimated completion time for these services is 2-3 weeks from the date of engagement if separate from the market feasibility study. Otherwise, it’s delivered with the market study.

Paradigm Senior Living | Data visualization report on a tablet

Tailored Reports

All our reports are prepared and presented in formats consistent with each client’s specific debt and equity underwriting criteria. HUD, conventional lenders, and bond financing have approved and accepted our studies.

Paradigm Senior Living | Blueprints

Site Selection Support

Location is a critical factor that impacts your project’s success. We understand how market dynamics, demographics, land economics, and marketability influence your project. Let us assist you in identifying the optimal site for your project, from developing a site selection criteria checklist to analyzing potential sites.

At Paradigm Senior Living, we strive to ensure your senior housing investment is positioned correctly from the start for long-term success.

Design Development Services: Creating Efficient and Profitable Senior Living Facilities

Inefficient design can lead to operational challenges, increased operating costs, and reduced net operating income. Paradigm Senior Living leverages our extensive experience as operators and marketers to assist you in making design decisions that will positively impact your bottom line for years to come.

Maximizing Marketability and Operational Efficiency

From preliminary reviews to ongoing support, we offer valuable insights into overall site design, architectural design, interior space planning, and facility programming. Our goal is to maximize both the marketability of your senior living facilities and the efficiency of their operations.

Supporting Developers in Realizing Their Projects

Our design development services support developers in multiple ways to realize their projects within established schedules, budgets, and specifications. We aim to give your project a competitive edge from its entry into the senior housing market, ensuring its success well into the future.

Flexible Fee Structure

We understand that every project is unique in size, scope, and complexity. Therefore, we offer a flexible fee structure based on your specific needs. Fees can be arranged on an hourly basis, a fixed price, or a total project cost basis.

With Paradigm Senior Living’s design development services, you’re not just creating a building; you’re investing in a property designed for long-term efficiency and profitability in the ever-growing senior living market.

Invest in Senior Housing with Comprehensive Market Feasibility Analysis

Paradigm Senior Living can tailor the scope and cost of your project feasibility study to meet investor-lender underwriting requirements. By delivering the right scope and depth of information to the right parties at the right time, we can save you time and money in the feasibility/funding process.

How We Do It

We provide an estimated completion time of 45 to 60 days from the date of engagement. Market studies may include any or all of the following components:

Part I

Geographic Market Conditions

  1. Site location maps
  2. Local economic and population trends 
  3. Trends in population by AgeDefinition of primary and secondary market areas
Part II

General Demographic Research and Analysis

Collection, tabulation, and GIS color mapping of demographic data for the primary and secondary market areas:

  1. Market depth of senior population by age (75+) and income ($40,000+)
  2. Market depth of caregiver population by age (45-64) and household income ($75,000+)
Part III

Specific Primary Market Demand Research and Analysis

  1. Estimated non-institutionalized population in the 75+ age group
  2. Size of non-institutionalized population in the 75+ age group by income
  3. Demand for personal care (assisted living) by rent level
  4. Demand for independent/congregate care by rent level
  5. Demand for assisted living and independent living based on caregiver market
  6. Demand for non-institutional dementia care
Part IV

Competitive Analysis

  1. Recommended best senior housing use of the site overview and recommendations of units and services
  2. Detailed competitive profile – existing facilities
  3. Detailed competitive profile – proposed senior housing services and projects
  4. Detailed analysis of secondary competitive marketplace (alternative care and housing options)
Part V

Conclusions and Recommendations

  1. Market analysis conclusions
  2. Potential market for various levels of senior housing and services
  3. The effect of current and future supply
  4. Required penetration rates
Part VI

Recommended Specific Facility Prototype

  1. Recommendation of product type(s): independent living, assisted living, memory care, ect. 
  2. Resident apartments – unit size and mix
  3. Recommendation of amenity spaces and services
Part VII

Service Program Components

  1. Ancillary services
  2. Regulatory issues
  3. Management and marketing issues

Ready to Talk About a Senior Living Investment?

Click here to request fees and terms or to tailor a study to your specific project. 

Ready to Talk About a Senior Living Investment?

Click here to request fees and terms or to tailor a study to your specific project. You may also call us toll-free at (877) 287-6868 for a FREE initial consultation.

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